What is the Difference Between a Biometric Residence Permit and a Biometric Residence Card?

A UK green card or BRC is distinct from a “biometric residence permit” (BRP). This type of permit is issued to foreign citizens in the United Kingdom as proof of their identity, immigration status, and any right to work, study, or access public funds while in the UK. It is similar in size to a driver's license with a photograph or an identity document and contains personal details such as name, date of birth, gender, etc. A biometric residence permit (BRP) is different from a biometric residence card (BRC).

The BRP is issued to individuals who have met the permit requirements to enter or remain in the United Kingdom. It can be used to confirm their right to stay, study or work in the UK, as well as their right to any public service or benefit they may be entitled to. If you request to extend your stay or switch to another visa route, you must be in the UK to re-register your biometric information. It is no longer possible to apply for a biometric green card in the UK, as it is no longer valid proof of your right to reside in the UK.

As part of the application process, you will receive a letter from the Home Office inviting you to provide your biometric information within 15 business days from the date of the letter. People with an indefinite residence permit (ILR) don't need to apply for a biometric residence permit, but having one can make it easier to demonstrate their rights and travel to and from the United Kingdom. When traveling to and from the UK, you'll need to show your biometric residence permit along with your passport at the border. If your biometric residence permit is lost or stolen and it was valid for 3 months or more, you have a legal obligation to report it and request a replacement from the UK.

If you applied from the United Kingdom, your permit will be mailed within 7-10 days of receiving the Home Office's decision letter stating that you can stay in the UK. You must return your biometric residence permit to the Home Office within five business days of receiving your British Citizenship Certificate.

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